Question: Which of the
following is TRUE about fixed-price contracts?
a. Employer billed automatically each week
b. How much to pay and when to pay is at the employer's discretion
c. Hours worked will show on your profile
d. Time-tracking required
e. Qualify for the oDesk payment guarantee
Question: Which of the following statements about oDesk fees is FALSE?
a. The oDesk fee is 10% of the employer's payment to oDesk
b. oDesk is free to join
c. oDesk is free for contractors to apply and work on jobs
d. The oDesk fee is $2/hour for hourly contracts
e. All of the above
Question: The oDesk Team application Time Tracker records which of the following
a. Screenshot of the active screen once per billing segment
b. Number of keystrokes
c. Number of mouse clicks
d. Memo entered by the contractor
e. All of the above
Question: Which of the following is FALSE about weekly limits on hourly contracts?
a. Hours in excess of the weekly limit will not be billed to the employer
b. You should discuss any need to work beyond your limit with your employer
c. The weekly limit can be changed by the contractor
d. The weekly limit can be changed by the employer
e. Hours in excess of the weekly limit are not guaranteed payment
Question: Which of the following are TRUE about the oDesk dispute process?
a. The dispute process only applies to Hourly contracts
b. If you fail to respond, oDesk will refund the employer and suspend your account
c. If you reject the dispute, oDesk specialists will review your Work Diary and
evaluate it against the criteria of the payment guarantee
d. Disputed hours ruled in the employers favor are refunded
e. All of the above
Question: Which of the following are TRUE about your oDesk Work Diary?
a. Allows employers to see when and what their contractors are working on
b. Enables automatic billing for hourly contracts
c. The oDesk Team application auto-tracks time which can be reviewed in the Work Diary
d. Manual time can be added, but isn't guaranteed payment
e. All of the above
Question: What happens when a contract ends?
a. You lose access to the Work Diary
b. Both users can leave feedback
c. The feedback system is double blind, so your employer cannot see the feedback you
left them until after they have left feedback for you
d. Hours will be billed (and disputes may be filed) according to the usual weekly payment schedule
e. All of the above
Question: Can I start my own agency on oDesk?
a. Yes! You can create an agency and earn money by selling the services
of your agency contractors.
b. No, oDesk is for independent contractors only
Question: Which of the following are required to qualify for guaranteed payment?
a. An hourly contract
b. Tracking your time with the oDesk Team application
c. Entering relevant memos
d. An employer with a verified payment method
e. All of the above
Question: Which of the following actions are NOT allowed when applying to job postings?
a. Misrepresenting your skills, experiences, portfolio, etc.
b. Submitting boilerplate, placeholder or generic bids or other spam
c. Disclosing direct contact information
d. Applying when you are not truly qualified
e. All of the above
Question: Which of the following are NOT permitted on oDesk?
a. Sharing a single account between multiple people
b. Opening more than one account on oDesk
c. Using a logo or clip art as your profile portrait
d. Using a fake name
e. All of the above
31. State whether true or false.
a. Employer billed automatically each week
b. How much to pay and when to pay is at the employer's discretion
c. Hours worked will show on your profile
d. Time-tracking required
e. Qualify for the oDesk payment guarantee
Question: Which of the following statements about oDesk fees is FALSE?
a. The oDesk fee is 10% of the employer's payment to oDesk
b. oDesk is free to join
c. oDesk is free for contractors to apply and work on jobs
d. The oDesk fee is $2/hour for hourly contracts
e. All of the above
Question: The oDesk Team application Time Tracker records which of the following
a. Screenshot of the active screen once per billing segment
b. Number of keystrokes
c. Number of mouse clicks
d. Memo entered by the contractor
e. All of the above
Question: Which of the following is FALSE about weekly limits on hourly contracts?
a. Hours in excess of the weekly limit will not be billed to the employer
b. You should discuss any need to work beyond your limit with your employer
c. The weekly limit can be changed by the contractor
d. The weekly limit can be changed by the employer
e. Hours in excess of the weekly limit are not guaranteed payment
Question: Which of the following are TRUE about the oDesk dispute process?
a. The dispute process only applies to Hourly contracts
b. If you fail to respond, oDesk will refund the employer and suspend your account
c. If you reject the dispute, oDesk specialists will review your Work Diary and
evaluate it against the criteria of the payment guarantee
d. Disputed hours ruled in the employers favor are refunded
e. All of the above
Question: Which of the following are TRUE about your oDesk Work Diary?
a. Allows employers to see when and what their contractors are working on
b. Enables automatic billing for hourly contracts
c. The oDesk Team application auto-tracks time which can be reviewed in the Work Diary
d. Manual time can be added, but isn't guaranteed payment
e. All of the above
Question: What happens when a contract ends?
a. You lose access to the Work Diary
b. Both users can leave feedback
c. The feedback system is double blind, so your employer cannot see the feedback you
left them until after they have left feedback for you
d. Hours will be billed (and disputes may be filed) according to the usual weekly payment schedule
e. All of the above
Question: Can I start my own agency on oDesk?
a. Yes! You can create an agency and earn money by selling the services
of your agency contractors.
b. No, oDesk is for independent contractors only
Question: Which of the following are required to qualify for guaranteed payment?
a. An hourly contract
b. Tracking your time with the oDesk Team application
c. Entering relevant memos
d. An employer with a verified payment method
e. All of the above
Question: Which of the following actions are NOT allowed when applying to job postings?
a. Misrepresenting your skills, experiences, portfolio, etc.
b. Submitting boilerplate, placeholder or generic bids or other spam
c. Disclosing direct contact information
d. Applying when you are not truly qualified
e. All of the above
Question: Which of the following are NOT permitted on oDesk?
a. Sharing a single account between multiple people
b. Opening more than one account on oDesk
c. Using a logo or clip art as your profile portrait
d. Using a fake name
e. All of the above

Social Media Marketing Test questions Answers 2013
Question:1 What
methods of social network marketing should a company always use?
Depends on the company, their product, their audience
Question:2 What is “guerilla
Marketing which relies on time and energy rather than a large dollar budget.
What is meant by Brand Management?
The company executive management team.
Question:4 Which of the following is an
important aspect of creating blogs and posting content?
Posting at least once a month to the blog.
Question:5 What
is a “call to action”
Giving an advertisement’s receiver a specific
direction such as “visit the site”.
What is a “vlog”?
New technology to aid in blogging
Question:7 What can a company do on Facebook
apart from their page to create a following?
Use Groups, both company originated and posting to other group.
In a company who should own the social marketing plan?
Head of Marketing.
Question:9 What is meant by “micro-blogging”?
Blogs with limited individual posts, limited by character count typically.
What is meant by A/B testing in marketing?
Testing 2 versions of an advertisement to see which elicits the best response.
Question:11 What Place does Pricing have in
Different Pricing levels can be the pricing level relative to competition is
Question:12 What would the marketing budget
section of a marketing plan detail?
The expected costs for each ad campaign based on the delivery method
Question:13 How
can a company use the same material for both traditional and social network
Utilizing a television ad campaign online as well on their site and sites such
as YouTube.
Question:14 How often should a marketing plan
be revisited?
As often as needed in order to revisit the plan of action and revise any new
Question:15 Which of the following would be
leveraging both social network and traditional marketing?
A print advertisement in a magazine which drives people to a website where
there is a free
trail offer.
Question:16 How does creating a social network
marketing plan differ from a traditional marketing plan?
There is no need for a social marketing plan, but social marketing plan is required
traditional marketing.
Question:17 What should be the length of an
blog post?
A few sentence mixed with several links to other sites and references.
Question:18 Why is there no specific definition
of what is social media marketing?
The concept is relatively new compared to traditional marketing and is still
being defined.
Question:19 What is meant by the “blogosphere”?
The interconnected community of blogs via linking to each other
Question: 20 How do ebooks represent a from
They are often free, include useful information, and direct the reader onto the
company which created the ebook for.
oDesk Search Engine Optimization Test questions Answers
1. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings
to yahoo. What is perfermed by the link:Operator?
a. it shows all the outbound links from the url
b. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing to
c*It shows all the pages that point to that url
d. It show url's with broken links
2. Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, by detecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than the HTML actually served to users?
3. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very common on the internet?
a.Because they will not lead to fresh traffic
b*Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents
c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting
d.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement
4. What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the google search box?
a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word "networking"
b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and "Networking"
c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking" appear together.
d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking
5. Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whether or not a website is an authority website?
a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updated
b. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the website
c.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)
d. None of the above
6. What is keyword density?
a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page - (minus) the total words in HTML on the page
b.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.
c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page description
d.The number of times the keyword is used in the page title
e*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on the page.
7. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?
a.They are greatly beneficial to SEO
b.They are also called Link Farms
c.They are Paid Listings
d*They contain numerous inbound links
8. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?
a.Traffic jacking
b.Visitors Jacking
c.View Jacking
d* Page Jacking
9. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?
a.1 week
b. 3 weeks
c. 1 month
d.* More than 3 months
10. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placement strategies?
a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword, A & D
b.Targeting the highest searched keywords only
c.Copying competitor keywords
d.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check)
11. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What is perfermed by the link:Operator?
a. it shows all the outbound links from the url
b. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing to
c. It shows all the pages that point to that url
d. It show url's with broken links
12. Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, by detecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than the HTML actually served to users?
13. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very common on the internet?
a.Because they will not lead to fresh traffic
b*Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents
c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting
d.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement
14. What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the google search box?
a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word "networking"
b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and "Networking"
c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking" appear together.
d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking
15. Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whether or not a website is an authority website?
a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updated
b. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the website
c.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)
d. None of the above
16. What is keyword density?
a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page - (minus) the total words in HTML on the page
b.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.
c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page description
d.The number of times the keyword is used in the page title
e*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on the page.
17. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?
a.They are greatly beneficial to SEO
b*They are also called Link Farms
c.They are Paid Listings
d*They contain numerous inbound links
18. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?
a.Traffic jacking
b.Visitors Jacking
c.View Jacking
d* Page Jacking
19. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?
a.1 week
b. 3 weeks
c. 1 month
d.* More than 3 months
20. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placement strategies?
a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & D
b.Targeting the highest searched keywords only
c.Copying competitor keywords
d*Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check)
21. Google displays up to ------------------------ characters of a web pages title tag
b.60 * B & C
22. Which of the following fact about Alexa are correct ?
a.*Alexa provides free data on relative website visitors traffic
b. Alexa and Quancast provide information on visitors household income
c.Alexa is baised towards US based traffic
d.Quantcast only track people who have installed the quantcast toolbar
23. What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word "actor" will aslo show search result for related word such as actress, acting or act?
c.RSD (real time synonyms detection)
24.Do search engine such as google detect unnatural linking patterns by checking the class C IP address of the page where the link to the website originates
a* Yes
b No
25. Which of the following conditions will google treat favorably from the "Relevancy" perspective.
a.The website offering product and services to the visitors country
b.*A website that provides Free content for related keywords
c.Hidden keywords on the homepage matching search term
d.Image alt tag on the homepage matching search term
26. Which of the following website design guideline has been recommended by google?
a*Having a clear hierachy and text links
b.Every page should be reachable from atleast one static text link
c.If the sitemap is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the sitemap into separate pages
d.Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)
e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per page
27. What is the main reason for the effectiveness of Optimizing a web page towards a long tails keyword search? Recheck
a.There are more long tail searches than shorter keyword queries
b.*Search engine often pass on long tail searches to lesser or new website
c.Search engine do not pass on long tail search traffic to website that rank high for shorter keyword searches (check)
d*There are fewer webvsite that have targeted such keyword's
28 Which of the following statement is correct with regard's to the images within a web page?
a.Images can not be spidered by the search engine (check)
b*Important keywords related to the image should be plcaed in the ALT text
c.Images should always be kept close to the top of a web page
d. Image maps should be used while including the images
29. What does the 302 server Response Code signify?
a.It signifies conflict, too many people wanting the same file at the same time
b.The page has been permanently removed
c.The method you are using to access the file is not allowed
d*The page has temporarily moved
e.What you requested is just too big to process
30. State whether the following statement is true or false. A sitemap provide a list of natural links to user accessible pages on a website
a. it shows all the outbound links from the url
b. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing to
c*It shows all the pages that point to that url
d. It show url's with broken links
2. Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, by detecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than the HTML actually served to users?
3. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very common on the internet?
a.Because they will not lead to fresh traffic
b*Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents
c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting
d.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement
4. What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the google search box?
a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word "networking"
b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and "Networking"
c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking" appear together.
d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking
5. Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whether or not a website is an authority website?
a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updated
b. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the website
c.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)
d. None of the above
6. What is keyword density?
a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page - (minus) the total words in HTML on the page
b.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.
c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page description
d.The number of times the keyword is used in the page title
e*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on the page.
7. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?
a.They are greatly beneficial to SEO
b.They are also called Link Farms
c.They are Paid Listings
d*They contain numerous inbound links
8. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?
a.Traffic jacking
b.Visitors Jacking
c.View Jacking
d* Page Jacking
9. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?
a.1 week
b. 3 weeks
c. 1 month
d.* More than 3 months
10. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placement strategies?
a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword, A & D
b.Targeting the highest searched keywords only
c.Copying competitor keywords
d.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check)
11. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What is perfermed by the link:Operator?
a. it shows all the outbound links from the url
b. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing to
c. It shows all the pages that point to that url
d. It show url's with broken links
12. Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, by detecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than the HTML actually served to users?
13. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very common on the internet?
a.Because they will not lead to fresh traffic
b*Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents
c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting
d.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement
14. What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the google search box?
a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word "networking"
b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and "Networking"
c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking" appear together.
d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking
15. Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whether or not a website is an authority website?
a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updated
b. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the website
c.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)
d. None of the above
16. What is keyword density?
a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page - (minus) the total words in HTML on the page
b.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.
c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page description
d.The number of times the keyword is used in the page title
e*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on the page.
17. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?
a.They are greatly beneficial to SEO
b*They are also called Link Farms
c.They are Paid Listings
d*They contain numerous inbound links
18. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?
a.Traffic jacking
b.Visitors Jacking
c.View Jacking
d* Page Jacking
19. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?
a.1 week
b. 3 weeks
c. 1 month
d.* More than 3 months
20. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placement strategies?
a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & D
b.Targeting the highest searched keywords only
c.Copying competitor keywords
d*Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check)
21. Google displays up to ------------------------ characters of a web pages title tag
b.60 * B & C
22. Which of the following fact about Alexa are correct ?
a.*Alexa provides free data on relative website visitors traffic
b. Alexa and Quancast provide information on visitors household income
c.Alexa is baised towards US based traffic
d.Quantcast only track people who have installed the quantcast toolbar
23. What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word "actor" will aslo show search result for related word such as actress, acting or act?
c.RSD (real time synonyms detection)
24.Do search engine such as google detect unnatural linking patterns by checking the class C IP address of the page where the link to the website originates
a* Yes
b No
25. Which of the following conditions will google treat favorably from the "Relevancy" perspective.
a.The website offering product and services to the visitors country
b.*A website that provides Free content for related keywords
c.Hidden keywords on the homepage matching search term
d.Image alt tag on the homepage matching search term
26. Which of the following website design guideline has been recommended by google?
a*Having a clear hierachy and text links
b.Every page should be reachable from atleast one static text link
c.If the sitemap is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the sitemap into separate pages
d.Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)
e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per page
27. What is the main reason for the effectiveness of Optimizing a web page towards a long tails keyword search? Recheck
a.There are more long tail searches than shorter keyword queries
b.*Search engine often pass on long tail searches to lesser or new website
c.Search engine do not pass on long tail search traffic to website that rank high for shorter keyword searches (check)
d*There are fewer webvsite that have targeted such keyword's
28 Which of the following statement is correct with regard's to the images within a web page?
a.Images can not be spidered by the search engine (check)
b*Important keywords related to the image should be plcaed in the ALT text
c.Images should always be kept close to the top of a web page
d. Image maps should be used while including the images
29. What does the 302 server Response Code signify?
a.It signifies conflict, too many people wanting the same file at the same time
b.The page has been permanently removed
c.The method you are using to access the file is not allowed
d*The page has temporarily moved
e.What you requested is just too big to process
30. State whether the following statement is true or false. A sitemap provide a list of natural links to user accessible pages on a website
31. State whether true or false.
The Yahoo Directory listing is a free service for commercial
questions Ans
Which among the following is not true regarding a calculated column?
Additional formulae cannot be entered in a calculated column as exceptions
What would be the result, when =T(A4) is applied on the given table?
a. The text
TRUE is returned
When you freeze panes, you select specific rows or columns that remain visible
when scrolling in the worksheet.
a. True
Q4: When
does the error, as shown in the picture, occur?
d. All of the above
Which keyboard shortcut re-calculates all formulas in all open workbooks,
regardless of whether or not they have change3d since the last time?
d. None of
Q6: Which
type of additional information is stored within the digital signature?
d. All of the above.
Q7: Which of the following is a default method of a PivotTable report for scoping the conditional format of a fields in the values area?
d. All of the above.
Q7: Which of the following is a default method of a PivotTable report for scoping the conditional format of a fields in the values area?
a. By
Q8: Which database function estimates variance
based on a sample from selected database entries?
Which among the following options displays Legend entries in the given picture?
c. C
When you sign the stamp signature line in an office document, you add both a
visible stamp and a document signature.
a. True
How would you select an entire PivotalTable report?
b. On the Options tab, in the Actions group,
click Select, and then click Entire
Which keyboard shortcut should be used to enter the current time?
Which of the given methods would you follow to add an alternative text to a
a. Right-click the picture, click Size and Properties.Click the Alt Text tab, and then in the Alternative text box, enter your text.
a. Right-click the picture, click Size and Properties.Click the Alt Text tab, and then in the Alternative text box, enter your text.
What is the significance of the red symbol at the top right corner of the cell,
as shown in the picture?
b. It signifies that the cell contains a comment
Which method will you use to update table data from a Sharepoint list?
c. In the
Design tab, On the External Data Tools group, Click Refresh
Which of the following wildcard characters can be used as comparison criteria
for Text Filters?
d. All of
the above.
Which of the following is not true regarding column width?
d. all of the above are true
Q18: Refer to the given,
What is the purpose of the cell denoted as 'A' in the worksheet?
a. It selects all the cells in the worksheet
a. It selects all the cells in the worksheet
Which tab should be used to display or hide axes?
b. Layout
Q20: Which option would you choose to display a list of formula
used in the current PivotTable report?
c. On the Options tab, in the Tools group, click on Formula, and
then click “List Formula”
Refer to the given image Which line style option should be used to specify the
style used for the end of the line?
c. C
Q22:As shown in the image, the checkbox 'Create
links to source data' has been selected. Which of the following statements is
correct regarding this?
d. None of the above
d. None of the above
Q23: Which chart displays axes but cannot
display axis titles?
-Radar chart
-Doughnut chart
-Pie chart
-All of the above
when a part of a formula is replaced with its calculated value, it cannot be
a. True
How will you display the Go To dialog box?
b. You will
press F5
Q26: No data is deleted
when an outline is hidden or removed.
a. True
a. True
Referring to the given image, point out which option should be selected to
automatically save a backup copy of a workbook.
b. B General options
Which of the following options would you choose to clear a PivotChart report?
a. On the
Analyze tab, in the Data group, click on Clear and then click “Clear All”.
What is the option on the Document Inspector that finds the content type
c. Document Properties and
Personal Information
Q30: How can a chart be modified?
-By modifying a legend
-By modifying the display of chart axes
-By modifying titles and data labels
-All of the above
Which of the following is not true regarding naming a cell?
a. Names
are case sensitive.
Which part of the formula displays references in the given picture?
b. B
What is the purpose of using the Keep text flat option, as shown in the
a. It
prevents the text inside the wordart from rotating when rotate wordArt is
Which chart type is displayed in the given picture?
b.A surface
Which of the following methods would you follow to remove subtotals?
a. On the
Data tab, in the Outline group, click on Subtotal. The subtotal dialog box is
displayed. Click Remove all
Q36: When 'a' or 'p' is not
typed after the time in Worksheet cells, what does Excel enter the default time
d. It enters the time as AM.
d. It enters the time as AM.
Q37: A
Macro can be digitally signed.
a. True
What does the screen tip displaying “Showing all” mean?
a. It means
that a filter has been applied.
Q39: Which of the following options is not
available on the Status bar?
-Cell mode
-Selection mode
-End mode
-Start mode
Which of the following is not true about an offline cube file
i love it Any Tips